About Me

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I hope to live life, soul search and find bliss. I seek to get lost and be found again. and again. And to eventually fall in love.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Epitome of a friendship that's For Keeps

They say friends are a single soul dwelling in two bodies and I must say, I'd have to agree. Friends, the real ones at least, are the ones that complete us. They are the ones who are partly responsible for who we are as persons, as of the moment.

Like mothers, friends also play a variety of roles in our lives.

Beyond friendship, they are our sisters/brothers/, counselors, teachers and sometimes, our parents. They are the ones who try to understand us when the world doesn't or when we ourselves don't. They are the ones who are there no matter what. They are there even though they don't always agree but because they love us enough, they'd give it to us to at least try to understand. They are the ones who give us unsolicited advise that we most often than not, solicit anyways. They are the ones who best knows us and despite knowing everything, still don't judge. They are the ones who are still there, when the rest of the world fails us.

Of sentiments and cheeze, I'd like to share about this particular girl i've been friends with since forever. She was my first ever acknowledged "best friend", if we should give it that title. The best thing about our friendship is that it stands the test of distance and time. Though we're now physically apart and though we don't know all the details of each other's lives, we still hold on to the friendship that still effortlessly grows. And though we don't talk everyday, when we do, it's always just a natural thing. We don't even have to try so hard to relate with one another because we do, we just do. :)

And today, we had our first ever date here in Manila :)

 We went to Sbarro for lunch, which was by the way a very heavy and hearty meal. :)  She had  a Chicago white while I had a Chicago Deep dish (photo above). We also shared half an order of Baked Ziti with meat sauce. :) It was a good meal. :)

We watched the Hunger Games after lunch. It was the first ever movie we watched in the theatre together, so yes it was a sentimental thing. Haha! And it was a good first movie, it was a good watch and I really enjoyed it. It's good to have someone who appreciates both the technicality and the story of the film, beside you.  :) 

Of firsts, she also had her first serving of Happy Lemon today! And believe me, the Lemons weren't the only ones who were happy! Haha, smiley faces on the escalator with our cocoa and greentea cups with lovely rock salt and cheese. If you haven't tasted this, it may sound weird but believe me, it's all good. :) 
"Hala! Parang ayoko na ubusin! (Dahil masarap) and weird ko talaga." She cracks me up. Hahaha!


And though I would have loved to stay, I couldn't. And with that we ended the day with another picture of happy faces and chinky eyes. :) She is the closest thing I have to a younger sister, blogger, meet Jabesse. :) 

Here's to a friendship like ours. to a friendship that's strengthened by distance and time. to late night phone calls and early morning affirmations. to a friendship that nothing can ever measure. Here's to our 14 years of friendship, and counting! To the last 14 years and to the next 14 more! bring it onnnnn. <3 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ein Gestandnis.

Du hast mich in die drei dinge

Ist ein wein

Zwei ist tatoweirang.

Und die letzte ist lhnen

Welche alle benötigten ein erworbener Geschmack.

Dieser endet hier

And may I quote "No regrets, just love."

-- Katy Perry --

Growing up, there have been some decisions I've almost regretted making.. Some not too proud of.. Some, I wish I hadn't made at all.. But when I look back at those moments and decisions, everything just connects and makes sense.. So instead of regretting and trying to forget, I remain thankful that they all happened the way they did..

Though he chooses to forget what we used to have.. I will never deny the fact that there was once a him and I..  It wasn't all silver lining and happy moments but those were the highlights of my teenager years.. Which is why, I choose to keep the memories close to my heart..

I'm honestly happy that you're slowly fulfilling your dreams. I'm happy to have not been a hindrance from your fulfillment of each one. :) I hope that this time, you do it right. I hope this time, you take life seriously because this chance you got now doesn't come easy.

I'm proud of you, I guess that's just what I wanted to say. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In the words of Stargirl..

"March 15th,

My happy wagon is down to 2 pebbles.

Love, Stargirl."

It's March 15 in a few minutes and I can honestly say, if I had a happy wagon it would be down to 2 -3 pebbles too.. There are loads of reasons to be happy, I guess I just can't fully wrap my mind around all of them as of the moment..

I've been having good events in my life recently.. One which involved losing and finding.. So I lost my iTouch.. It was a birthday gift from my dad which I just got 7 months ago.. I knew I was gonna be in big trouble if I permanently lost it.. but after 4 days, I got it back.. If that's not something to be happy about, there must be something really wrong with my emotional screw..

Secondly, I've been worried about the evaluation of my TOR for Law school.. I knew there was a grade requirement and I've had a failure recently which was why I was so anxious.. Although I know the school is eager to accept new students, I know that they won't compromise their qualifications naman.. Today, after checking my DTS# at the document tracking system, I learned that I could continue to my application.. Now all that's left to do is pass the exams.. and then, everything I've always talked about would be legit..

Being in Law school excites me.. it's big and it's something I could only imagine myself being in.. If it is for me, if I do get in, I swear I'll forget about mediocrity..

But even after these blessings.. there is still this one side of me that can't push aside the fact that I am actually, unhappy.. I don't think I'm exactly sad but I don't know if I am happy.. I guess at the end of the day, there will always be that one thing that's lacking.. there will always be that void.. that spot that has been left empty.. and it somehow sucks the life out of me.. hence causing this dilemma of happiness and sadness and everything in between..

With all that said, I am still thankful.. I am thankful that I still get a chance to live, a chance to laugh and a chance to love.. Cause that's all that matters to me anyways..

for the love of things unspoken.. and said out in the open..



Sunday, March 4, 2012

Because we only get one chance to live

What I like most about myself is that I don't usually regret.. I may have done stupid things in the past and they may have resulted to serious heart breaks and shameful screw ups but I still wouldn't want to have them any other way.. These choices, all of them, may they be good or bad, have led me to where I am now.. I may not be in a perfect place but it's exactly where I want to be..

This is my life, I may not be content yet but I am satisfied.. I am not perfect but I am happy.. I may not have all the things I want but I know one day I will..

Love and be loved but ultimately, love.. for that is the reason of your existence..

Why waste your life regretting?

..my name is Kelsey but I call my self, Stargirl..

♥ I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed and that necessary ♥

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