Here's to...
Great conversations
Inexplicable understanding
Non-existent judgements
Unfailing love
and a friendship that gets stronger by the year..
Here's to...
and the decency of apology/ies
and to a great support system
and to solicited unsolicited advice..
Here's to...
Meaningful silence [in between conversations]
and overcoming distance and timezones
and to twistedness and weirdness and strangeness and everything beyond and in between..
Here's to...
Holding on when it was always easier to let go..
Never giving up because we are worth the trouble..
and to overcoming troubles like a boss...
Here's to
the love I will always have for you..
the kind that maybe lasts forever..
Here's to
the embrace of differences
and the appreciation of similarity
and the acknowledgement of individuality
and the hearts as one..
Here's to
Seven years of **awesome friendship and seriously counting!!!
I love you to the stars and back.. :)