Now that it's almost the end of the year, I'm sure a lot of you are thinking of your possible resolutions, if you haven't already made them. If some of you have noticed, it's like we only remember our resolutions during the first few months of the year and by the end of the year, it's either it's under accomplished or not accomplished at all.
And with that, I thought of coming up with some tips in helping you guys create a better New Year's Resolutions so that 2013 may be a more fruitful year for all of us.
1. Make it realistic.
Don't place things like "Live life; Go on a Euro Trip!" when you know you don't have the means to do so because you're still a student or because your salary just won't allow it YET or "Face my fears; Go bungee jumping!" when you're not even sure if there actually is a bungee jumping facility in your place.
Ex. Maintain a healthy lifestyle; Go on a no-pork diet!
This is realistic because there are other alternatives to pork and because most if not all restaurants already offer a wife variety of alternatives to pork.
2. Make it practical.
Always consider your time and budget when deciding on things to do or not do. It's good to have high goals but its also important that the goals are achievable and not impossible. Don't go "Start a new hobby; collect wine!" when you know your allowance won't en get you through your daily cravings or that your monthly salary can barely suffice for your luxuries.
Ex. "Be more responsible; pay bills on time." This would be a good way to discipline yourself as well.
3. Make it specific.
Don't just use generic and general statements like "Lose weight." Or "See more places." Put values, and names and limits and not just motherhood statements.
Ex. Lose 2kls a month! There's a specific goal, realistic and practical too! Or say, Surf the waves of Baler. That's specific one too cause you know what if is you want to do and where you want to do it.
4. Have a target.
You should know which of your goals are long term or short term ones. Set a timeline, deadlines for your goals if you may, so that you would be more motivated to do them.
Ex. Increase my stamina; be able to join a 16k run by June. That's specific, time bound, practical and realistic.. Only if you are already running. But if you haven't even joined a 3k, don't even think about it. You'll just I hire yourself.
5. Make it fun!
Don't just put things you need to improve on in school or at work or with how you deal with things. You should be creative with your resolutions too because you're actually creating them to make a better year out of the coming one.
Ex. Meet more people; attend social gatherings at least twice a month! Especially for those single people who want to meet someone already, you can't just wait on him and sit on the couch, you have to go out there too and discover what it is that catches your eye. As the saying goes, work hard and play hard.
I hope those tips helped! :) if you want to, you can share your resolutions with me and the rest of blogger by commenting on this blog or sending me an email through! :)