These are the feet that brought us to places today. These are the feet that silently clamored "rest!" when they we're tired. These are the feet that made the day possible. To these feet, Thank you :* ♥
Today, December 15, 2010, Noe planned a "Binondo" day. Originally, I, Hazel, Thea, Andre and Noe himself agreed to joined this long-awaited day, but only I, Hazel and Noe ended up pushing through.
At around half past ten, we met up at the school's cybernook. We actually couldn't find each other at first, had I not walked around to look for Noe, we wouldn't have found each other.
So we had a short argument of whether to ride the jeep or the lrt, and ended up riding the jeep. It was a long ride full of stupid impatient drivers honking their horns and us three shouting at each other trying to get our messages through.
When we reached the jeepney stop, we we're still a few steps away from our "epic destination". Passed streets like Tomas Pinpin and Yuchengco, and Ongpin, and Salazar. We Passed by this one hmmm, i don't know what to call it, and it really caught my eye. We had to go back, cause I had to take a picture.
We walked, and walked, and I tell you, you would think it's unending. We were supposed to go to (insert restaurant's name here, cause I forgot haha!) but then we found out it was too far so we we settled for a different one. I also forgot what it was named but yes. We enjoyed, Beef (Noe), Seafood(Hazel) and Chicken (Me), La miens (Noodle soup). I and hazel even had black gulaman to go with the chinese treat! Only to disappoint ourselves with, CANNED black gulaman. :)) It was really good! And plenty. And heavy -_- We ended up being too full in the end and couldn't even finish our dumplings anymore. haha! )
We talked about the most random things during lunch. We talked about Kesha and Palawan and other random unserious things. We even had a good time teasing myself to the Chinese chef pulling the noodles. haha! After we ate, we continued on the unending walk. We passed by an ice cream store-ish and bought ourselves Korean ice cream! Noe had the fish ice cream while I and Hazel had the ice cream sandwiches, cookies and cream and cheesacake flavored respectively. Even though we were already full, and could barely walk normal with our tummies poppin', we still ate the ice cream in enjoyment. I wasn't able to take a picture of the ice creams anymore, my camera was in grave danger the whole time. haha! but i got a picture of the signage.
We passed by Binondo Church and I wanted to go in, but we still had ice cream sandwiches to finish so we stayed outside to chunk it down first. While we were outside, we were trying to decide on where we we're going next ust and hidalgo were on the list. So we finally, okay, I FINALLY finished my ice cream, so we went in. I insisted on lighting a candle, so we bought three pieces, lighted them up and said our own prayers or maybe even wishes. I hope that my candle works cause I had two really pretty wishes.
After we went to Binondo church, we again walked. We walked to Hidalgo, and by then I and Hazel were already panting. We saw all sorts of things, cheap things, funny things, cool things, like those vintage cameras. There were vegetables everywhere, and havianas that looked genuine. What I and Hazel fussed about were the pretty looking roses that seemed cheap to me, she says it's cheaper in Dangwa, I don't really know. Haha.
We also went to Quiapo church where we rested and took a breather for a while. I wanted to try palm reading or "hula" but then Noe said it costs a hundred bucks, so i opted not to. By that time we decided that Quiapo church was the last stop to today's adventure. So after that, Noe brought Hazel and I to the LRT station already. So that was where we all parted ways.
i really enjoyed today's joyride, foodtrip, and marathon. It was a good start to the holidays. :)

Happy Three Friends. ♥, let's do this again! :D (with D1 and D2 next time!)
By the way, today's soundtrack? Here, it's Noikee's new Kesha song. Haha!
Kesha - We R Who We R [] by Vershelz
Hahaha! We need to go back to the Chinese restaurant where we ate and let's see kung siya pa din yung chef. :>
ReplyDeleteKESHA! =))))
I'm really glad that we spent this day together, 'cause I know that i'll be missing both of you since it's Christmas vacation already. Let's do this again, okay? >:D<
We should, and next time I'm going to take a picture with him! hahaha! :> :))
ReplyDeleteKESHA = NOE hahaha!:))
I'm really glad too! as in. :) We should cause I'll be missing you guys too!
DJ, Turn it up up up up up up.